
Bloggish type things but definitely not a blog

Photos Evie

Some Evie Photos!

Photos The PIG

The babymoon!, at the PIG South Downs.

Book List

I have read another book!

Added Dadisms Section

Added the dadisms section (see main menu) taking all of dad’s good …

Photos Oaktrees 20230701

Some photos around oaktrees

Theming My Web Sites

Some ideas I am currently having james for theming my web sites

Photos Hilsea 20230805

Mainly cows! they go moo, mostly and also a little furry cat thing sitting by a …

Midi Remix Sahara

I have been revisiting my old midi files from my the early days of music …

Book List Older

First part of my book list up to 2007

Midi Remix Space Butterfly

I have been revisiting my old midi files from my the early days of music …

Random Morning Walk

Well it all started on a blistering summer morn, I took it upon myself to take …

NAS Synology Setup to Icedrive

These are instructions on how to setup a connection to icedrive from a Synology …

Day Fiance Advent Calendar

Here is a christmas calendar for my beautiful girlfriend in honour of one of our …

Travelling By Train

Photos on the train coming back from Honiton!

Working Hacking Advent Calendar

Here is a christmas calendar I have been working on for a work quiz which is …

Full Music List

The music I produced from the first of my true obsessions.

Photos Oaktrees 20220930

Spending a week with my parents

Photos Hilsea 20220828

Just some photos from Hilsea Halloween preparations!

The Stables

Horse racing prediction program.

Photos Rustington 20220826

Just some photos from a visit with Kates parents

Photos Oaktrees 20220812

Just some photos from a visit with my parents

Book Wall

All of the books and all of the walls!


Tired of looking at the same old British grey sky, well then try out some of my …

Photos Oaktrees 20220701

Just some photos from a visit with my parents

Photos Oaktrees 20220424

Just some photos from a visit with my parents

Photos Oaktrees 20211016

Just some photos from a visit with my parents

Darts is Awesome

Yes I know the title is somewhat disquieting, shocking even, it wasn’t …