Streamlining eshell with popper, capf-autosuggest, and Enhanced Autocompletion
In this post, I will describe the small enhancements and tweaks I have applied …
Initial Version of Blue Orange ImagineFX August Competition Entry
Here is an initial version of my entry to the ImagineFX August competition:
Integrate Pywal Colors into Selected-Window-Accent-Mode for Wallpaper Accent Matching in Emacs
I have updated my emacs package selected-window-accent-mode
Ready Player Mode different Utilities for Video and Audio!
Regarding my previous post, you can now disregard my little Frankensteinian …
Ready Player Mode with a little elisp Tweak
I’m really enjoying ready-player at the moment, so much so I think it …
Efficient File Searching in Emacs: Leveraging completing-read with Customizable Methods
I thought I would share a little bit of elisp that I’ve been using for a …
Sending Dired Directories to Meld for Directory Comparison
A common activity for a Software Engineer is to compare two directories, …
Emacs Blog 2 Year Anniversary - First Post Revisit - Create Local Offline ELPA MELPA ORG
I’ve noticed that my Emacs blog is now almost 2 years old!
WOWEE - Windows Operating With Emacs Enhancements
My Emacs usage on Windows seems to be more prevalent at the moment, and …
Using A Mechanical Keyboard, Literally On A Laptop!
The next stage on my quest to mitigate any RSI issues when using Emacs on a …
New Package, xkb-mode, to edit X Keyboard Extension Files
Based on my recent forays into ergonomic key-mapping in Emacs for SwayWM, and …
Writing Elisp to Find Available Keybindings in a Sway Config
I thought I would provide an example of how I typically use elisp to make my …
Emacs Vim Navigation Without Evil
Every now and then I find it necessary to use Vim! (mainly for work) - was that …
How To Map RAlt to Ctrl for Emacs
In a recent post I was talking about the benefits of mapping the RAlt key to the …
My Emacs Key Workflow Moments Over The Last 30 Years
I am just at the moment reflecting on how my experience with Emacs over the last …
Transitioning RAlt to Ctrl - Enhancing Emacs Keybindings
In the midst of adjusting my Emacs keybindings for a more ergonomic workflow, …
Waybar Toggling Sticky Key Keymaps
For my previous post I was talking about a software visual indicator to discern …